

Which?  Of all the question words, it’s the least respected.  When, Who, What, and Why were getting ass every day in college (hell, even How had that drunken night with Dontcha), while Which was studying to bridge the most stringent and distant gaps between the world at large.

Luckily, Danger Queue came along and two handsome gentlemen had the strength to ask: Which?  Traveling pants or mobsters?  Bacon or the new Death Cab song?  Colons or Russians?  The rising price of gasoline or French adjectives?

Help Which.  Read Danger Queue.

One comment

  1. I’m out at sea right now, getting 3 hrs of sleep a night, working my tail off, stressed beyond measure, and Danger Queue has become my saving grace.

    Every time I click on it (linked in My Favorites, naturally), it’s a brief escape…and really provokes me to challenge some deeply-seated beliefs (I, for one, will never take hugs for granted again).

    Never stop writing this. Ever. I’m leaving on a 6-month deployment early next year and I suspect that the only thing that will get me through it all is Danger Queue.

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