Archive for the ‘Europe’ Category


Europe vs Journey

August 21, 2008

Illusions, Michael.

Illusions, Michael.

Shawn: Yeah, we’re listening to Journey’s Greatest Hits in the office right now on the owner’s iPod. You should totally come work here.
I don’t know where I’ll be tomooooorrrrrooooooowwwww.

Ryan: I’ll counter that with Final Countdown by Europe, which just came up on my iPod.

Shawn: I don’t remember the part of that song where Europe tells you not to stop believing. Because, sometimes, that’s what you really need to hear.

Thanks, Journey. Thanks.

Ryan: Maybe you don’t appreciate the subtle genius of Europe’s lyrics.

We’re leaving together

But still it’s farewell

So true, Europe. So true.

And don’t forget the rhyming of “Venus” with “seen us’.

Shawn: You win this round – “find you” and “bind you” can’t compete with “Venus” and “seen us”.

Although I’d like to see a guitar battle of “Final Countdown” and “Separate Ways”, as I’m not entirely convinced they’re separate songs.